الأحد، 12 أبريل 2015

Do More Ecercises

Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When you engage in physical activity, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you burn. You don't need to set aside large chunks of time for exercise to reap weight-loss benefits. If you can't do an actual workout, get more active throughout the day in simple ways — by taking the stairs instead
of the elevator or revving up your household chores.

السبت، 11 أبريل 2015

There are more effective ways and to new and more healthy diet, such as:

Diet Water

First, drink 2 cups of water before breakfast hour (on an empty stomach)

Second, drink a glass of water before breakfast, directly after the last cup

Third: Drink a glass of water immediately before lunch and another cup after

Fourth: Drink a glass of water before dinner and another cup after

in addition to :

Walk every day for at least an hour

Reduction of sugar and sweets

Reduce the starch (rice, pasta, bread)

Reliance on brown bread (mainland)

Eat raw vegetables (lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage)

We prefer not to dinner, eating yogurt and piece of fruit

This method leads to weight loss of 3-5 kg (Monthly)

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السبت، 13 ديسمبر 2014

رجيم الفواكة والخضار

Diet of fruits and vegetables to lose 7 kilos in a week

 Diet fruit Diet is suffused, so you must follow before the accursed consult a specialist doctor or a nutritionist to make sure the integrity of the body and is free from diseases and the possibility of a Dieting without adversely affecting health. In the case of approval to follow the diet of fruit, diet is composed of 7 days and by the end of the implementation of the accursed will miss 7 kg  fruits Grams is intended only pears, apples, oranges and tangerines
As for vegetables, such as lettuce, squash, coriander, watercress, peas, okra, parsley, eggplant, beans, fresh vegetables eaten this or cooking with broth without oil.